December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous anticipation of another year. The closer we come to the solstice, the closer we turn within towards our own inner light because we can feel a reckoning beginning to unfurl.
We’re approaching a time where we can truly see just how far we’ve come. Our entire process for the past year is under review. What did we accomplish? What did we leave behind? What are we still in the process of working through? This is when our minds balance with our hearts to find peace, forgiveness and rest so that we can start a new year with a fresh canvas.
To honor this beautiful energy, honor yourself. Follow your body’s cues. If you find yourself tired, take some rest. If you find yourself needing air, bundle up and take a walk in a different direction than you usually wander. Beauty can be found in slowing down, in noticing the quiet that comes with the clear cold night and appreciating the crystalline clarity of the frost. Going within brings us the journey of the Winter Solstice; so gather your blankets, pillows, cozy socks, sweater, a scented candle, a journal & pen, maybe some warm tea and a cookie or two. Let’s take the journey in three parts…
Part 1: Accomplishments! It’s always nice to begin here. What goals did you meet? What happy surprises happened along the way? Did you discover something new about yourself? Write about all the things small and large that made you smile this year.
Part 2: Lighten the Load. Write to honor all of the things that were left behind; be it people, relationships, situations, jobs that weren’t allowing you to be your best, habits that held you back…all of these bits represent energetic blocks that you’re now free from so that you can move forward in an authentic way. Writing these out helps you to finally release them from your mental space as well.
Part 3: Process and Integrate.This is the part where we acknowledge what we’re still working out, whether it’s a deeply meaningful goal or an area of self-growth that we’re THISCLOSE to achieving. Acknowledging where you’re at is an important part of this because it brings you to the present moment and alleviates some of the anxiety that some feel when worrying about the future in the form of a new year quickly approaching. Know that wherever you are in your journey of love, growth and change, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. There is no wrong way of doing this. Love yourself where you are and know that you’ll get to where you want to be at precisely the right time.
Happy Yule to all and thank you so much for joining me on this writing journey for the year <3!
December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous […]
December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous […]
December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous […]
December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous […]
December brings us many things; the holidays, colder weather, less daylight, more family and gifting of presents as the smells of evergreen and peppermint fill the air. We embrace the sun when it shines and huddle over warm drinks when the clouds blanket the sky. The culmination of this month climaxes with celebration and nervous […]