Today on Cat’s Eye…
JJ ASKS – My 18-month-old keeps waking up at night screaming always around midnight and hasn’t been going back to sleep till 3 or 4 AM please help? Are there any protection spells or charms?
REPLY – I had night terrors as a kid too. My mom told me to repeat the lord’s prayer,(She was a Christo-Pagan) and gave me a witchy necklace to hold as I did that. She then told me I could control my dreams. She also said that because they were my dreams, I could bring her into them to help just by thinking of her, or a flashlight or anything else I needed, and it worked. I recently told this to a friend whose kid was having the same problem and it worked for them too. Give it a try and let me know if it helps.
KL ASKS – Is it common that 3 sisters have the same dream on the same night, at the same time.? Without going into too much detail, It was about a house with a person inside. One sister felt afraid and did not enter the house. She watched the two of us walk into the house and yet we all saw the same things!
REPLY – Dream sharing is a real thing especially when people are very close and have an emotional connection. Dream sharing is most common between mothers and daughters. My mom and I dream shared a number of times. I have done so with my husband and others too. Dream sharing is listed as a psychic phenomenon in the Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary by June G. Bletzer, Ph.D. as well. Now that you know you have this ability you can do more research on it and build up the skill. I hope you enjoy the process; I would love to hear more about your journey into this skill.
GC ASKS – I need to have a person stop messing with me. I was thinking to give them bad luck every time they are around me how can I do that?
REPLY – There are several ways you can deal with this. One is to use a mirror spell and reflect things back to the sender. You can do this in a formal spell with a mirror. Or you can put up a reflective shield each time the person encounters you by holding up your hand in a stop motion and mentally cast a reflective shield between you. Please apply your own ethics.
JD ASKS – A friend of mine did a money jar for me. I still have it, but what I needed it for is now past. What do I do with the jar now?
REPLY-I would keep it. The jar can be recharged to do the same job another time in a money spell. If you feel it is spent and not useful you can bury it or put a shield around it and let it be something cool that sits on your shelf.
DL ASKS- I went to a reader and they said I have had a curse placed on me what do I do?
REPLY-Most people believe that curses only have the power you give them. Meaning the more thought and energy you put into it, the stronger it gets. It is also widely felt among most practitioners that a reader who tells you that you have had a curse put on you is only looking to take your money, not help you. The “You have a curse” line is not regarded as real, true, or professional.
RC ASKS – I was gifted a new tarot deck, I heard you have to cleanse them. Do you have tips on how to cleanse a brand-new tarot deck?
REPLY- New decks are not charged and have not been handled by anyone so they are clean. When I get a new deck, I spread them out and handle them and talk to them as I begin to infuse them with my energy. If the deck has been handled by someone else then their energy should be cleansed. There are a few ways to do that. They can be left in a window and let the sun or moonlight cleanse them. You can sage them or you can place them spread out on your altar for a couple of days.
EB ASKS – I was doing a guided meditation on astral projection, I don’t normally visualize things while meditating, sometimes I will see colored pulses of light behind my eyelids but nothing tangible. Then right when the lady in the meditation starts talking about an archangel watching over and protecting me, I suddenly see an old man with an eye patch and hear a voice saying, Odin. This startled me out of my meditation. Now prior to this I had very limited knowledge of Odin or his appearance and had no idea about the one-eye thing until now. I don’t know what really to make of this, any ideas?
REPLY – Congratulations, Odin has spoken to you. This is how most of the deities and spirits make themselves known to me too, or in dreams, so it is not uncommon. It means a couple of things, that you successfully opened your psychic channels and were able to see and hear rather than blocking. It is also not uncommon for you not to know of a deity or spirit prior to contact in this manner. And it means that in this particular meditation you were able to get into the theta state of mind. Which is the goal of meditation. Now that this has occurred I encourage you to relax more when you meditate. Then journal on this so you can look back and learn more from it later. Allowing this to happen more often is a great way to build your psychic spiritual skills, enjoy the journey!