Today in The Cat’s Eye…
I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and don’t be shy about sending in your questions and we will see you all again next week! – Cat Gina Cole
DC ASKS – I would like to know if anyone else has had a recurring dream that took place over time? I had a “dream” (or night vision) that took place over years. Has anyone had experience interpreting such dreams as this? I’m not sure whether it was a “dream” or a “vision” of a female being covered with white feathers from head to toe. I always got the feeling she had wings though I never saw her fly. She had a dark, stern face, and even though she never harmed me, I had a great fear of her. When I was maybe 3 or 4, I gave her the name, The Storm Lady. I described her to my mother, who brushed it off as a nightmare. When I continued to question this throughout my childhood, I was told it was evil, and I should ask for God’s forgiveness and it would go away. This didn’t happen. I just stopped asking questions. Finally, when I was about 14 years old, the dream/vision stopped. I’m 68 years old now, and I’ve never forgotten The Storm Lady. My intuition tells me she was someone far more important than a spirit guide. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
REPLY – I think it was an angel. I have heard others describe them in the same manner as you have, where they appear with stern faces and are beautiful but intimidating. I too have experienced reoccurring dreams and they always stopped when I got the message, no matter how old I was. Now that I am older, I meditate and journal on such things. I think the most important part of interpreting dreams is to focus on what they mean and feel like to you. I feel this way because while there are some agreed-on meanings, the symbols you see are the symbolism of your mind and no one can interpret that as well as you can. Speaking to others can help you draw out your own interpretations tho which can be very helpful.
TJ ASKS – When doing spells, mantras, prayers, incantations, or whatever it is your doing, do you all remember what you want and need to say? Or do some of you read it from paper or both? I feel like I’m cheating the spirits, the Goddess when I can’t remember the words.
REPLY – Bless your heart, hon, I kind of try to remember the words, but typically speak from my heart in the moment as long as the goal of what I want to say is accomplished I do not fuss over it too much. I used to when I first began thinking it all had to rhyme or be fancy. Then I remembered what my mom used to say, “They know what is in your heart.” It is more of a challenge when you are speaking in front of others, and I still occasionally struggle with that, trying to sound proficient and knowledgeable, but I don’t fuss over that much either anymore. I figure what comes from my mouth at the moment is from the spirit and meant to be.
RA ASKS – What kinds of things do you work on when doing shadow work and why do we do shadow work?
REPLY – Great question! Shadow Work is consciously working to make the unknown known within the self. Exposing all of the repressed memories or experiences of our being. This can be dealing with family of origin issues, healing trauma and/or the inner child, healing past life or generational trauma, dealing with personality traits that no longer serve us, soul retrieval, or death work, and much more. Why we do shadow work is to make the best of ourselves, but more importantly in my view so we can have a clear self to work with as we practice magic, witchcraft, and psychic skills because we are the best magical tool we have and we want to work with the best tools we can.
JP ASKS – Do you think all witches MUST practice spell crafting?
REPLY – If you define spell crafting as gathering correspondences, using the phases of the moon, having a goal and possibly using a spirit or deity to cast a spell? In a word, no. The ability or desire to cast such spells are not the defining factors of a witch and there are many ways one can cast spells without all that.
LM ASKS- A friend of mine was wearing a malachite necklace (that was wire-wrapped) to bed one night and while sleeping she woke up to a burning sensation where the malachite was resting. She said it didn’t burn her skin or the wire that is wrapped around the stone but the stone itself was charred!?!?! My question is has ANYONE ever heard of this happening with that type of stone or any other??? If so what does it mean?? I cannot stop thinking about it!!!
REPLY – I have known others who have worn a stone for its healing properties that have had the same kind of thing occur, and it means the stone has done its job and it is time to remove it and bury it back in the earth.
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and […]
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and […]
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and […]
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and […]
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and […]