Higher Sperm Counts and a Shade, Emergency Worker&...

Higher Sperm Counts and a Shade, Emergency Worker’s Who Smell Death, and Lucid Dreaming w/ Clairaudience

Higher Sperm Conunt and Shades Emergency Worker The house of Twigs Cats Eye A and A Witch

Today in Cat’s Eye…

I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the THoT website, and I can tell you there is such a variety of topics you never know what you will discover, and it is completely free! So enjoy and don’t be shy about sending in your questions and we will see you all again next week! – Cat Gina Cole

JL ASKS – I would like your advice, 21 years ago, I worked a spell to aid in my (then) husband’s sperm count to be able to conceive using his sperm, and later we had a daughter. Not long after dad had a complete change in personality. He went from sweet and awesome to an abusive drunk in a very short time. When my daughter turned 13, the onset of puberty, she began seeing this dark shadow person that will show up at random times, flicker lights, shut and open doors, etc. By age 16 she put her dad out of her life due to his addiction, EXTREME narcissism, and verbal abuse he was acting like he hated her.

The being she sees has never hurt her but lies and freaks her out and scares her. It messes with her friends and boyfriends, especially with her current boyfriend, causing him bouts of anger or nightmares. I tried banishing, but it followed her to college and elsewhere. She now has her own apartment and is now messing with her again. Some have tried to connect with it and it shuns them. I NEED HELP GETTING RID OF IT! What is this thing?

REPLY – I can only speak from my own family tradition and experience, which is all any of us can do. There are several possibilities, one could be your daughter needs mental health help as she may have inherited her dad’s traits. Which I assume, you have already checked out. Her dad could have left an attachment on her. In that case, a cord-cutting should work But I think you created a shade by using the vital essence of her dad. Now a shade in many traditions is a deceased spirit or being that inhabits another live being. In my tradition a shade is a being that can be a deceased person’s spirit or it can be a being, or spirit that is created by using the body parts or fluid of another, alive or dead, that is then absorbed somehow by a live person who they then inhabit or “Haunt” In my tradition and experience it is not uncommon for this shade to activate either during puberty or after a near-death experience.

Whichever it might be it is clear to me this is beyond your experience or mine to deal with. I reached out to the greater witch community for a good source for you and Gladys Gordillo comes highly recommended for this kind of work, she can be found on Facebook or you can contact me and I can put you in touch with her.

GP ASKS – I am trying to figure something out. I work in the emergency field and I see a lot of deaths. I know when my patients won’t come home by a certain feeling. I know when we’re toned to a call it’s going to be a death because I smell death before we are even notified. A couple of times while working on patients they would ask me who the man beside me was? One patient after asking went into a crazy laugh and a Cheshire cat grin. Also, I don’t know if it’s the same thing but my oldest boy sees a shadow and I wake with bruises and marks all the time. If the first half is a gift, I want to learn how I can use it better. And if any ideas on the second part to help me with that is greatly appreciated.

REPLY – It does not surprise me that as an emergency response person you can sense and smell death and have developed precognition for it. That part I think is a natural development of your work. The man beside you, well, it also does not surprise me that a reaper-type spirit or even an angel hangs out around you. To develop it better, just pay more attention to it and let it flow. Btw, I have never been able to figure out the mystery bruises either, not in myself or others, but you are not the only one that happens too.

KT ASKS – I want to figure out what I am really experiencing. I don’t dream, but when I do dream it’s vivid, like last night when I feel half asleep and half awake, as I get pictures in my mind. Last night someone was talking to me, I did not see the face it was just the voice, telling me that I lost my mom and it’s good to recover from such loss. My mom is very much alive! I tried to wake up and thought I had but was still in the dream. When I finally do manage to wake up, I am scared. When I go to sleep again, I have the same dream. This time I get up and sage my whole house. What was happening? I am afraid that it will come true.

REPLY – This phrase right here, “I feel half asleep and half awake” is lucid dreaming “as I get pictures in my mind.” Is the definition of dream clairvoyance. Hearing just voices is clairaudience, all of which are psychic skills. Try to relax and focus on your breathing when you are experiencing this, and let it happen. Be calm, these things are real things that can be researched and many others have experienced them, so there is nothing to be afraid of here.

While in that lucid state it is possible to think about your breathing or to tell yourself to relax. Doing so while in a lucid state can assist you in learning to control parts of your dreams and give you some control while out on the astral. I do this often in a variety of ways in the lucid state. Also sometimes, dreams show us what we are concerned about, sometimes dreams are just dreams that make no sense, and other times dreams can be prophetic-precognition and a whole host of things. As for your fear it may come true, It is possible that is your fear of loss arising in a dream and telling you to deal with it in your shadow work. Many Blessings

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Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.
Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.


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