Harmful Spells and Chakra Alignments, Soul Retriev...

Harmful Spells and Chakra Alignments, Soul Retrieval, Mirror Magic, Mediumship, and Why… No Christian Witches?

Chakra Spellwork christian witches medium cat gina Cole the house of twigs q and a cats eye

Today In Cat’s Eye…

TV ASKS – I have a weird question: Can those who perform harmful spells also be well aligned in their chakras? I was always led to believe they weren’t aligned with the divine at all and could have at least a few misaligned chakras?

REPLY – I personally do not think the alignment or misalignment of chakras creates any restrictions on an individual’s magic except the ones they chose to place on themselves. And as far as I know, there is no documentation that definitely connects chakras to anything one can describe as a divine being. I know many feel like they are connected to the divine as they do chakra work.

The definition of doing harm is different for each person and is about a person’s own ethics so harm is a matter of perspective depending on a person’s practice. If an individual does what is considered harm, by accident, which we all have done, or with intention, I can see where that energy might hang around and resonate within an individual and their chakras might need to be cleansed of such energy.



JW ASKS – Do you have any tips for self-soul retrieval? I am starting to feel like the ghost of the person I once was.

REPLY – Self soul retrieval in my practice is when you as you are today. In meditation and visualization, go (in your mind) back to the you that lost that bit of your soul. Then the current adult you comforts and nurtures the past you and you both work on that bit of shadow work together. That is how I do soul retrieval with clients too. It is much better to have a guide or someone you can process with for this kind of work. If you do not I recommend journaling.



ZD ASKS – What is mirror magic and why would someone aim to perform such a task?

REPLY – As with all things magical there are variations depending on your practice and experience. The basic work of a mirror spell is twofold. One, to protect yourself from bad stuff coming your way. Second, to send it back to whence it came wherever or whoever that is, and it is up to you to apply your own ethics to that working.



CB ASKS – I have a former ( 2 years ago) roommate who passed away unexpectedly from an overdose in November 2020. A couple of weeks ago she came into my body and I lost around 20 minutes of time (Don’t remember).  I’ve cleansed my home and have made a deal with her that she can be around me but not in me. I feel she doesn’t know she is dead and is confused. Can I help her?. I want to maximize my gifts on my own terms I don’t really know what my gifts actually are?

REPLY – I will answer your last question first. You are a medium. A medium is one who sees and works with the deceased. There is a lot of information out there about being a medium you can research. I think you did a good job setting a boundary with her, not many know you can do that. And yes you can help her by talking to her and letting her know it is ok to move on to the other side. I had to help my mom move on by addressing some of her fears of crossing over and this may be part of the work you have to do with your friend. This is helpful and healing work and it sounds like you have a good grasp on it. Many Blessings.



JL ASKS- Why can’t there be Christian Witches?

REPLY- Good Question! This is a hot topic all over social media! As with anything magical, spiritual, or religious, you will find people of every opinion under the sun. I recently saw an argument from a Pagan “preaching in near “brimstone” manner that Monotheists do not think the same way we do and therefore there cannot be Christian Witches, and this is true for the Christians who believe this way.

However, I know many Christians who are more open or accepting of others’ spiritual practices. I know some Christians that also practice witchcraft. Some of them remain monotheistic, some do not. In the end, this is a question you have to answer for yourself based on your beliefs. For myself, I believe in the Christ God and work with him just like I do any of the other gods, no matter what others think of the Christ God this is how I chose to work with it. Others not so much, and people will argue this point forever based on their own beliefs.

Many Blessings.

  • Author Posts
Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.
Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.


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