Today in Cat’s Eye…
MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my brother called and told us his wife was pregnant, I immediately asked my daughter what date and time the child would be born. She was 1 minute off and was accurate about the gender of the child too. Also is dream projection a real thing? Because when someone sleeps next to her, they have had second sight, and dreams that are warnings and such like she does?
REPLY – What you are describing is precognition, often called sight in many traditions and it is a psychic skill. Having psychic skills does not necessarily mean one is a witch, they are two separate things. The psychic skill of precognition has been written about and is something you can study. The part where others sleeping next to her are also getting the sight…that is projection for sure, your daughter is projecting her gifts to others. This occurs because she is “broadcasting” her skills and has not yet learned how not to do that. Learning that is a long process of trial and error and journaling. Now as far as “Born A Witch” You see arguments about that depending on what one believes, there is no hard verifiable information on if one can be born a witch, however, I believe they can be and feel there are many who were born a witch.
DO ASKS – I saged my house and felt a spirit walk through me not sure what that means have they left or are they staying?
REPLY – Likely it was on its way out. I would meditate on the event to scan for any residual energies to be sure.
MB ASKS – So, to see a person’s true character, one needs to see their auras right? Can one know a person’s true being?
REPLY- I do not think any of us can know a person’s true being as most of us do not even know our own. And no you do not have to be able to see and read auras to see what a person really is. I know many practitioners that can and do see a person’s character or intent in a variety of ways. For example, I see most of what I need to know in a person’s eyes or through touch. Sometimes I know what I need just by talking to them once, and there are a variety of ways to discern this information like the tarot and much more.
CM ASKS – Good afternoon, are there any traditions or coven of witches in which titles of nobility are used to indicate the hierarchy within a coven?
REPLY – I guess that depends on your definition of titles of nobility. For example, there are titles such as Priestess, and High Priestess. The High Priestess is similar to the “queen” with the priestess next in line, below her then are the maidens. This is true for the male vernacular too, Priest, High Priest, and mage. When the High Priest or Priestess “retires” they then are Elders, an esteemed place in the hierarchy. There are groups that use titles such as a magician, wizard, mage, and even mother maiden and crone and other ways to express placement, knowledge, and experience within a coven.
KW ASKS – I have read about graveyard dirt and the spirit or soul that is left behind in that dirt. Any info you can help me with will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
REPLY – Fascinating question. The idea that a soul or even part of a soul could remain where the person is buried had not occurred to me. So, I went digging throughout the greater community to discuss the concept of the soul remaining in the dirt or even a fragment of the soul. I asked, Bruja’s, Elves, Norsemen, Traditional Witches, some Roma Witches, and a few more, and I am sorry to say none of us have heard of the soul remaining even in part in graveyard dirt. The major consensus is their essence of spirit, the kind of person they were, happy, negative, etc. a signature of that energy might remain, in the dirt but not the actual soul.
LD ASKS – I’m a little thrown by it. My 3-year-old is the sweetest little girl but has a bit of a temper and the magical power to either get into the worst thing or make the absolute biggest mess possible if you aren’t paying attention for a moment. Over the last month or so she has come to me at least weekly saying she has darkness in her and she needs light. I ask her why she has darkness in her and she says she watched it go into her. I’m pretty sensitive to energies and haven’t sensed anything in or around her. I try to comfort her, but she says she does not need love she needs light, I’m just a little thrown by this behavior. Is it just an overactive 3-year-old imagination or does she need a proper cleansing?
REPLY – Just give her what she is asking for without question. Being so young she may not be able to express things more clearly. She came to you and it is you she wants this help from. The only thing that matters is that it is real to her. You have to meet her there without question. Nothing else matters, not your understanding or explanation of things, not what others say, nothing. If that is the help, she is asking for then that is what she needs. I recommend you sit face to face and verbally and visually create either a light ball or rays and push them into her. Encourage her to tell you what kind of light she needs and talk to her about receiving it and keeping it with her to draw on anytime. You have a rare moment here to give her a gift she will draw on for the rest of her life. Whatever you give her will work “because mommy said it would work” at her age mommies are omnipotent and she will have that belief and build on it as she grows.
Many Blessings to All!
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my […]
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my […]
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my […]
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my […]
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions be considered? It is my daughter that is able to predict when people are going to arrive and predict the exact time and date of children being born. When my […]