Casting a Spell 18 Years Ago on a Train to Oregon,...

Casting a Spell 18 Years Ago on a Train to Oregon, and Extreme Empathy Towards Nature

Oregon train spell casting the house of twigs cats eye psychic q and a

Today in Cat’s Eye…

DS ASKS – I have a serious question. About 18 years ago I cast a spell that was very simple. I remember exactly what I said and where I was but that’s the problem. My research has led me to believe undoing the spell requires a few things and one being where I was on a train going to Oregon. I want to undo the spell because after 16 years of success it has become a curse for the last two years and now is close to a life and death thing, so here’s my question.

Would I have to board a train back to Oregon from the same starting point or can it be any train going anywhere? Do I have to go to Oregon again or can I just go to the next city?

REPLY – For some questions I like to toss it out to a group of Elders and Leaders in the Pacific Northwest and there was a wide range of comments that included getting back on that train with specific time and correspondences in place, to only doing so on the Astral. Others felt that NO we cannot undo spells. Because that energy has already been sent and spent and cannot be undone. Some asked, “Did this person do a working with a high price? Is it time to pay?” And there was even this response, “What research exactly is it that you’ve done, to lead you to think that some simple words you spoke 18 years ago, have caused life or death consequences that you can’t undo with more simple words?” Let me tell you I love the variety and diversity of the Elders and Leaders, so here is my take on it.

There are a couple of universal laws I strongly believe in. (Neither of these laws are the harm none or rule of three you hear about). The first is The Law Of Cause And Effect and the other is The Law Of Opposites.

The Law Of Cause And Affect states that for every action there is a reaction equal in force, but opposite in nature. These days we apply words like consequences, outcome, and results to this resulting opposite reaction. Now these consequences can be good or bad or anywhere in between. They can be created by magic or simple choice, but once they occur there is no undoing them. That would be an attempt to change the past which at this time cannot be done. Now you can get back on that train to Oregon or you can go out on the astral to that moment and place in time. While there you can do a spell to ease your current issues or to stop the spell from continuing but you cannot undo the original work. These actions are pretty straightforward in practice and spell casting skills.

The deciding factor on if you get back on that train or not is up to you and how you feel about it. If you strongly feel that you need to be on that train to Oregon, then you best get your butt on that train! Because if you don’t, it will bother you forever and you will end up doing this again as the connection to the energy will continue to be attached. Best of luck and Many Blessings!

SS ASKS – Help! I suddenly have an exaggerated empathy towards the animals and nature! Fires all over the place killing wildlife, extreme heat, dryness, and lack of water. I cannot stop thinking/feeling or imagining nature’s distress. I do not know how to switch it off, l feel like the obsession will drive me to madness. Nights are terrible! I continue to see human cruelty and disrespect toward nature while dreaming or trying to sleep and it is painful to know l cannot do much…l literally feel like l am going mad here!

REPLY – Welcome to being connected to the heartbeat of the planet, Our Great Mother Earth. Welcome witch, the mother speaks to anyone who will listen. She needs us to hear her distress and is asking us all for help. Once you see you cannot unsee. The intensity will slow down after a bit. I know it is intense and hurts right now, but the mother needs us to cry with her and feel her pain. We are her vessels and the things we can do for her are to lessen our footprint in whatever small way we can. We can write letters and emails and vote, we can volunteer to pick up trash, plant neighborhood gardens, and various things like that. None of us are helpless in this effort, we all can help even if it is in very small ways. Blessed be the Earth, the home of our bodies and all living things.

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Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.
Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.


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