Today in the cat’s Eye..
BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this?
REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, not your Magical Besom that should not go from one house to the other. The belief is that your cleaning broom has absorbed all the dirt and mixed energy from your current home and it is desirable, to begin with, clean new energy in a new home with a new broom. When I moved 4 yrs. ago I had another thought, “If my old broom has all my old stuff in it then it is conditioned to sweep out the old. So I cleaned my new home with it once to take all the old stuff from the previous owners out with it, then I burned it and bought a new broom and gave it the job of absorbing all the negative and dirt to keep the energy clean, so far so good!
SSS ASKS – I went to a psychic and now I fear that the psychic was able to capture the spirit of one of my relatives and is holding their spirit captive. Is this possible and how do set them free?
REPLY – Great Question and there is a lot to unpack here. First, yes, it is possible, however that person would have to be very skilled to do so.
How do you set them free? You are going to have to bust out some skills to do it yourself. However, I would sit down at an altar set for my relative, and call /conjure them to me. To do this I begin by meditating on them pushing myself deeper and deeper until I am in trance with them and then tell them what is happening. I would ask them what is occurring for them as well.
Then based on the information gained it is possible for you and the relative spirit to work together in psychic visualization, trance dreams, or even on the astral planes to set them free. Keep in mind, spirits have abilities we do not so do not be afraid to do this work with them.
Be sure to set up protection before doing this work, keep up the shields and wards, allow only the relative spirit to enter, and reject all others. Do not be surprised if you end up somewhat connected to the psychic in this process. To complete the work this is ok, but be sure to break the connection when the work is done and set a ward so they cannot make another connection later.
Those who capture spirits usually only do this for a short time for a specific working. Discovering what the psychic wants from the spirit will be helpful. Be mindful and do not practice beyond your ability it is a big job and you may need help. Many Blessings!
SQ ASKS – Any suggestions for helping me sleep peacefully without nightmares? For a week or two nearly every night I’ve been having nightmares and can’t sleep through the night. The nightmares aren’t about any one subject in particular. I’m thinking about maybe hanging a sachet of herbs and crystals from my headboard to help but am unsure of what contents to use. I always sleep with an amethyst under my pillow for my PTSD nightmares but that hasn’t helped against these.
REPLY – Amethyst is good for absorbing, so consider wearing it as a necklace. I rarely have consistent nightmares as an adult, but I sure did when I was a kid so I get it. If you happen to be aware you are dreaming the nightmare (lucid dreaming) it is possible to just yell no or stop while dreaming or to cast a protective shield, or remind yourself you are safe in your bed while dreaming. Other things that can help are chants or prayers you repeat to yourself, before going to sleep. A friend says “I will not dream about bunny rabbits” as a mantra before sleep, and ends up dreaming of bunnies. Sometimes a 10 min meditation before sleep is helpful. Also, look at the nightmare, what is it trying to tell you is it something you need to solve or address? Other than that do look at your diet, health, and stress routines before sleep. Many Blessings!
Image is of our sister company’s Trolls Altar Talisman Broom by Keven Craft Rituals
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]