The Wheel continues to turn as Yule begins to pass. The old year gone and the new one already underway and perhaps, as to be..
Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m..
Today in Cat’s Eye… AR ASKS – I need advice. Am I wasting my time giving offerings to the dead? I feel like it’s busy..
Today from the Cat’s Eye… MC ASKS – What happens if you are in a ritual circle that is complete and you break it? Is..
Today in Cat’s Eye… DS ASKS – I have a serious question. About 18 years ago I cast a spell that was very simple. I..
Today in Cat’s Eye… MJ ASKS – Is it possible for people to be born witches? If not witches, then what would people who have predictions..
Today In Cat’s Eye… TV ASKS – I have a weird question: Can those who perform harmful spells also be well aligned in their chakras? I..
Today in Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through the..
As I write this, the sun is still warm, the day still bright, even at this late hour, as evening draws on and the normal..
Today in The Cat’s Eye… I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners and seekers via an encrypted email that is private and secure through..
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