A lesson in managing 2020: USE YOUR MAGIC

A lesson in managing 2020: USE YOUR MAGIC

crossroads the house of twigs magic new year

So…Hello new decade. January is trash. 11 months left to go.

Let’s have a 2020 magic do-over.

Here’s a little background.

In the winter of 2018, I made a few radical decisions. I moved across the country for the second time. I ended a close friendship and business relationship.

By the time spring hit, I had lost that close friendship. I had gotten into a beautiful new home and a new car payment thinking I would finally be settling into the town I had always wanted, so why not get all my ducks in a row. Now I was unemployed. I had my heartbroken. Not only because I lost work but I missed my friends which I thought of as family. In the midst of that, I had a heartbreak that led me to cry in public. I’m an Aries and maybe it’s my own pride but this is not something I easily do-I really thought that they might be the one.

Visualize the Tower, the Star and the Wheel of Fortune tarot cards happily playing a pick-up game of hackysack at the crossroads of Elegua and the kickball was made of my life threads.

You get how I felt.

What got me was that I had planned the move so carefully, I had readings done, spent days studying my friend’s business and prayed with my intention to the universe. I turned down high profile projects before leaving New York and now cringed at the thought of moving back. I didn’t even finish unpacking! In my bedroom, I felt low and called my mom to tell her the whole story. I was ready to get the Capricorn “I told you so talk” but she listened quietly (which is extremely hard for her to do). Then once I finished my voice cracked. All I could muster was an “I’m a really scared mom”. Then she said something that made me ugly cry.

She said ” USE YOUR MAGIC”

I burst into tears. I was stunned because this is the same Christian woman who gave me hell during my teens for having Wiccan books and cut out paper runes in my bedroom and made me throw them out. ALL the while pointing to the cheezy plaque in the living room with the words ” As for me and My house we will serve the Lord”

Now my mom was watching me on WhatsApp from 3,000 miles away talking about Use my magic! I had considered that maybe she was high.

She continued. “You have magic, all the bush women in our family do, did you forget?  Use it to find your way out of the woods (she snickered referring to Oregon). I see all those books you STILL have in my basement yet you already know what to do. Have faith in what you believe! I pray that you’ll to find your way, there is always a plan.  You have your magic in you and God is with you. Use it. Ask for it. You love to help everyone else, you up and moved across the country on your own money to help your friends and you really risked everything to move there.  I admire that, that is admirable but why do you give to everyone else (like a typical black woman) and not do something for you?! You manifest this move, now you’re in the midst of this so keep doing the work. Why not use your MAGIC to figure out which way to go next? Maybe where you are now isn’t how you expected things to turn out love, but it doesn’t mean that’s the end of the story. What you want will happen but it may not happen exactly how you’ve imagined. Leave room for change and use your magic to help with that transition.”

This is my mom… always a doer, wiser now and yet still a spitfire believes in my magic (and me) even when I was at the crossroads of what to do next. This all came about through the generational healing work we have done for our family. She also sweetly added, ” You know you can always come home too” just to tease me. She always has a plan!

So my message for you dear reader  for the next 11 months to go is to share with you a few tips that helped me to realign as I began to review and rethink my own power:



Feel free to print this image out and stick it where you need to be reminded.

Here are some thought starters on how to turn your magic all the way up in 2020 

  • Take the time to practice your craft daily.
  • Clean up your altar life.
  • If you give offerings check-in on what you’re giving, how and why.
  • Observe your holy holidays/ spirit days/ and festivals.
  • Try your spells out on yourself and measure your success
  • Study and practice your chosen divination
  • Learn about and consider practicing your ancestral divination methods
  • Ask for what you want, and take the steps to actively manifest it.
  • Get the guidance you need, find your community, take classes and use what you learn
  • Use all your ritual tools, check the expiration dates and remove what you’re not using (I’m talking to that special someone out there… You know who you are…the one that keeps buying all those crystals – fucking use them)


Try spells out on yourself and measure your success. Ask what can I do better? What does success look like? How can I support this magic work?  Does my method of divination match up? How can I personalize this?

If you need love, research love spells. Maybe build your confidence by going to a workout class, tossing negative habits, work on your communication style or do activities where you can meet new partners. Maybe adopt a puppy and name it cupid. Find ways to support the work you are doing.

If you need a new job or income ask for it, fix your resume and use volunteer opportunities that present themselves. Less then a week later I set my intention and started my fix. I manifested more work and worked on a project over the summer while subletting my home. I got to connect with my family BBQing and swimming on the shores of Long Island taking time to build memories with the children. My elders named me as the story keeper and family healer. My heartbreak passed with a couple of apple cider vinegar and a donation box full of soft shirts. I returned in the fall with new love, new remote work, more ideas, and creativity. I let go of the feelings of uncertainty and grounded in my practice to welcome a continuation of my path.

By putting that energy into yourself, keep doing the work even after you’ve manifested what you want.

Use your gifts to open the road, remember the universe has more than one way to bring change into your life.



Ziona is a member of House Maman Brigette a Brooklyn New York-based New Orleans Voodou House. Ziona is both an educator and an avid student of African Tradition Religious practices, indigenous rootwork, shamanic ethnomedicine, and cookery. As a traveler, Ziona has immersed herself in activism, cultural healing, and the study of origin mythos, and forgotten religious rites. She’s the founder of The Ziona Collective and is currently working on her latest divination project the Priestess Power Exchange. She’s excited to bring her special brand of magic to the House of Twigs and the greater witchcraft community.
Ziona is a member of House Maman Brigette a Brooklyn New York-based New Orleans Voodou House. Ziona is both an educator and an avid student of African Tradition Religious practices, indigenous rootwork, shamanic ethnomedicine, and cookery. As a traveler, Ziona has immersed herself in activism, cultural healing, and the study of origin mythos, and forgotten religious rites. She’s the founder of The Ziona Collective and is currently working on her latest divination project the Priestess Power Exchange. She’s excited to bring her special brand of magic to the House of Twigs and the greater witchcraft community.
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