The time of snow and shadow was upon us, and the jubilant hag who sits atop my ribs and skips stones in my blood made..
Once upon an aching autumn, I set out to find the soft and rotten center of the human story. I clawed at the rank mud..
Holding my grief like a slow-dying hatchling, I sought out the wisdom of the pipe-smoking hag. My plans were to prostrate myself at her feet..
These are the days of the late-winter ache, and I’ve learned to hear the haunted call of those never-born-always-dead hags who are wiser than I..
She came to my door fire-eyed this morning, retching pomegranate juice and demanding to know where my underworld words come from. I told her I..
Don’t follow me; not tonight. That holly-haired hag of wintertide is lurking ‘round the edges of these forbidden lands, and only shecan properly eulogize the..
These bones of mine were restless, and I was half-dreaming of an eyeless crow gnawing away at my storyteller’s lips. I woke with a quickening..
The ‘Year of the Witch’ is happening. We’ve seen tarot designs on the catwalk, everyone wants to be a witchy maker of oils and salves,..

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