Numerology and Tarot: Finding your Life Path and Y...

Numerology and Tarot: Finding your Life Path and Year Archetype

the house of twigs tarot erika fortner with shop queen meb portland thot

Jungian Archetypes and Divination

As a tarot reader since 1995, I have developed my own personal reading style combining 6-7 decks and assigning different tasks to each deck I layer with. One of the things I like to do is use a 22 card, Major Arcana deck to represent current archetypes a person is working with. It is important to understand how these archetypes are identified and which ones you prefer to use. Most people have heard of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell or Carolyn Myss. In your own readings, feel free to take this example using the archetype naming conventions and systems you relate best to.

I will be referring to “Jungian” as a loose term because this is not going to be specifically on his psychological approach, but since he is the father of this archetype thinking, we choose to use him. Personally, I prefer Myss’ archetype system from her book Sacred Contracts. Her approach is that we all have 12 archetypes we identify with, including the main four which include the child, saboteur, and the prostitute vs Carl Jung who uses the main four as the persona, shadow, anima or animus, and the self.

I believe we have both a balanced and unbalanced version of these archetypes which helps determine our approach and what I believe some of the ‘karmic’ lessons we have in life. Remember when discussing these archetypes we are not talking about male/female gender. We are discussing male/female energies or the combination of them both.

To understand how to use this archetype system with numerology, you must understand Roman Numerals. Here is a quick-guide chart to help you navigate.

**Many people have issues learning Roman numerals, but try and look at them as a math problem. I = 1, V = 5, X = 10. So if you have IV, that actually equals 4. Imagine the first numbers are subtracted from the middle/second number and the last numbers are added. Since we know V =5, then 5 – 1 = 4. VI would then be 5 + 1 = 6. 


0 – The Fool

I – The Magician (1)

II – The High Priestess (2)

III – The Empress (3)

IV – The Emperor (4)

V – The Hierophant (5)

VI – The Lovers (6)

VII – The Chariot (7)

VIII – Strength / or Justice in some decks (8)

IX – The Hermit (9)

X – The Wheel of Fortune (10)

XI – Justice / or Strength in some decks (11)

XII – The Hanged Man (12)

XIII – Death (13)

XIV – Temperance (14)

XV – The Devil (15)

XVI – The Tower (16)

XVII – The Star (17)

XVIII  – The Moon (18)

XIX – The Sun (19)

XX – Judgement (20)

XXI – The World (21)


Archetypes by Caroline Myss through Oracle cards or Tarot:

When using this system, make sure you know what cards represent each archetype. I only discuss her main 4 here, but remember, there are also another 12 she identifies with her system. Feel free to use multiple cards to represent best what may work. An example would be to use the Empress as a Mother archetype. 

The Child: This is the aspect of ourselves when in balance, wants to be innocent and lighthearted regardless of our age. It is the playfulness we choose to have in our lives vs what is now jokingly referred to as ‘adulting’. It is also where we begin our Fool’s Journey of the Tarot. In an unbalanced or variations of the Child archetype, Myss refers to the Wounded, Abandoned/Orphaned, Dependent, Innocent, Nature, Eternal Child, or the Divine Child. It is how we weigh the balances of our dependencies of others and the responsibility we take on ourselves.

The Victim: The Victim lets you know when you are being victimized or how you victimize others. In the unbalanced aspect of this archetype, the victim believes they are always being victimized which is brought on by fears or seeking sympathy. how does your Victim Archetype manifest?

The Saboteur: The Saboteur is not always what we would expect. It helps us to see how we undermine or sabotage ourselves. It can be how our fear manifests in our lives or how we continue to manifest destructive patterns. With low self-esteem, this can be an archetype that can block our power and success in life. It is one of the great teachers of karmic patterns and lessons we keep being asked to learn over and over again. This may also emerge as a protecting archetype that later can manifest as a shadow in our life.

The Prostitute: This archetype is also not what we would expect. It is the aspect of ourselves where we learn our personal boundaries of our body, mind, and spirit. When we mature in this archetype, we learn that the values we establish for ourselves are ‘not for sale’ despite a circumstance which may lead you to sell your power, ideas, talents, etc for physical survival or financial gain. Some people also resonate with the Sacred Prostitute archetype, which is a different thing entirely, by harnessing our power through this archetype and using it to empower and never to remove our power through allowing others to cross our set boundaries.


The Tarot (Major Arcana) through Jungian Archetypes:

Anima & Animus (both female and male aspects of ourselves, respectively). Here I use the obvious identifiers of the archetypes, and often a reader will only reference the first 1-9 Major arcana cards. Feel free to do this or include all 22 and what intuitively works for you and their archetype counterpart. *I include all of these in my in-person tarot classes and Intermediate online course.

The Self: (*This is a unification of the previous Jungian archetypes. These are also the alpha and omega, or beginning and end.)

*The Fool – wide eyed innocence from which we face the world. It’s no coincidence that the self represents the beginning of the major arcana. We were born with mental wholeness, that we lose and regain through our lives.

The Magician – one who is the master of taking charge, to transform inner thoughts to outer manifestations. Like the magicians of today, he is the master of producing change by altering perception. This aligns with the Persona.

The High Priestess – we see in her a Sophia, or a feminine archetype that radiates wisdom and understanding. She has a duality in this card that represents both the Anima and Animus but she holds a different energy than the Hierophant. Usually she is Anima.

Strength – as opposed to purely physical strength, this card is more about inner strength and perseverance. She is almost always represented as Anima.

The Empress – nurturing and loving, she is representative of the mothers, the caretakers. Anima

The Hierophant the wise old man archetype we see as a spiritual guide. This is not to be confused as an “old white-dude magic” person. Animus, but in some decks very much so Anima!

The Emperor – whose power creates structures, systems, laws, and rules, can also representative the father figures we have in our lives. Animus

The Lovers – representing union, a coming together of opposites and dualities. This is both Anima and Animus

Strength – as opposed to purely physical strength, this card is more about inner strength and perseverance. It tends to represent a feminine energy, aka Anima.

The Hermit – the wise old man archetype we see as a spiritual guide. Animus

We also can see shadow aspects of these archetypes, and other roles as we continue through the deck.


Using Divination with Archetypes:

Now that we have gone over some of the basics of archetypes, here is the way that you can use Numerology to find out your life path as well as your numerology year.

Often this is where you will use that numerology with tarot to determine their life path tarot card (archetype) as well as their yearly card (archetype). This would be the Major Arcana cards 1-9. (Note in numerology nothing will ever equal 0, but it may come up in a reading as an archetype energy one is working with, so I have included it above.)

Birth/Life Path cards are found by adding up your birthdate and referencing the roman numeral equivalent in the major arcana. Mine is March, 22 1980 so I would add up 0+3+2+2+1+9+8+0=  (25) which equals 7 when reduced by adding 2 +5. The roman numeral tarot card 7, is the Chariot. That makes me have a Life Path of the Chariot!

Your Personal Year Path card is found using the similar system but using the current year instead of your birth year. Pay attention to the way the date is added up here. It is a large number and all lumped together before reducing. Mine would be 03+22+2019= (2044) which equals 10 and/or 1 when reduced. (commonly one would reduce these numbers if it is a double digit. As a rule breaker and someone who loves a challenge, I use all 22 cards.) This year mine is the Wheel of Fortune, or the Magician if you are only using the 1-9 Major Arcana.



Common questions to ask while using an Archetype deck:

As we use tarot or oracles in our lives we can also learn the symbolism of these archetypes but also some of our karmic lessons.

What other archetypes do I currently associate with?

What archetypes are actively teaching me or helping me to move through karmic lesson or personal blockages?

What is the archetype I strive to be?

What is an archetype that remains my shadow-self?


If you enjoyed reading this approach to tarot, you may be interested in my Tarot classes online at THoT: The School of Ritual . This specific section is inspired by my Intermediate Tarot Course, soon to be released.

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Head Mistress of THoT, and THoT: the School of Ritual, Owner of Keven Craft Rituals, and q. Meb ~ Queen Meb the Portland witch shop with handmade skincare products, organic goods, tarot, metaphysical items, home & hearth decor, A practicing eclectic-solitary witch, she works with energy healing / reiki master, psychopomp and psychic work, witch attunements; specializing in tarot and channeling since 1995. Erika rides the cusp of the Alpha / Omega and favors the Morrighan, Isis, Hecate, Freya, and Cernunnos.
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