Too often I hear the words ’well I work with fire spirits, what did you expect!?’ after someone has chosen to react in a manner befitting an ill mannered berserker. They are loud, petty and play fast and loose with threats and the obligatory ‘Don’t piss off a Quimbandeiro/witch/pagan’ meme that we see 75 times a day.
Fucking facebook.
Sometimes shouting all over social media is enough and the person does nothing with their spirits.
However, if they keep angry long enough you will often find workings to Exu Lucifer or Exu Mor posted in their insta stories with the caption “Just you wait…”
(Side note: no one is waiting, we have all moved on)
How do you think Exu and Pomba Gira view these actions? These ancient spirits who have been called to help people who are being tortured, raped and mutilated? Who they themselves have lived through heinous times often murdered for the knowledge they now hold. The knowledge we are asking for.
Are these the actions of a warrior? An honourable person? A person worth fighting for?
Or has this person demonstrated just how little power they have and a lack of sovereignty over themselves?
You have become your perceived wrong doer’s bitch, and Exu knows it.
If you continue to call Exu and Pomba Gira to small things you should be able to shrug off or see the lesson in, they will either stop coming or make sure you become obsessed with perceived wrong doings. Your life will become drama after drama as you slip down to the rotten depths.
They will always lead you to the crossroad and if you continue to make the wrong choice they will simply make sure you are supplying them with plenty of booze. On one level it actually works in their favour for you to not get your shit together.
Your personal spirits WANT you to evolve. Call them for big life changing things and your life will become big. Call them for petty wrong doings and your life will remain that way.
Decide whether you want Exu and Pomba Gira to feed on you or feed with you.
Fire comes in many forms. Fireworks are noisy, and attract attention but change nothing, crackling flames that soften the metal of a blade used to gut your enemy, or the silent ember of a fire thought to be extinguished that goes on to burn the entire house down (Exu Brasa is one of a kind).