The basics of Pomba Gira

Quimbanda pomba gira the wantering quimandeira the house of twigs thot silver lone wolf

I am seeing regular snippets of misinformation about Pomba Gira shared by Mambos in Vodou groups, even down to what her number is. So for those of you who have a little interest or to whom she has appeared to here are a few pointers.

Colour: Red

Number: 9

Consort: Exu (NOT Eshu)

Traditions: Quimbanda and Umbanda

Time of day: Midnight

Day: Monday (Exu’s is Friday so you can work with her then too)

Element: Fire

Number of Pomba Giras: She is legion.

Offerings: Roses, perfume, cigarettes, cigarellos, champagne, red candles, pade 

NB: Different Pomba Giras have their own predilections but these offerings are safe for all.

Pomba Gira and Exu work best where there is a snippet of them in each other’s space. They tend to come as a pair so if approaching Pomba Gira, I would ‘give the nod’ to Exu with some of your offerings.

Pomba Gira is not a Goddess. Please stop calling her that. It isn’t a compliment for her.

Her ‘day’ is not Valentines Day – but if you folks want to shower her with food and booze, she’ll take it (but in her mind, why wait?). That little nugget is from those who only attribute her with love and are looking to make a quick buck lighting a few candles for you.

Comparing Pomba Gira to another spirit to help you make sense of her or syncretising her is foolish. There is nothing more frustrating than someone saying Ezili Dantor and Pomba Gira are the same. It is an insult to both of them, they are both exceptionally powerful SEPARATE women.

And, honestly, women aren’t supposed to make sense.  We are complex creatures, (ideally) ever evolving to become exactly who we want to. Sovereign.

So putting female spirits in a neat little understandable box is almost throwing down the gauntlet. Pomba Gira will burn your box to the ground.

What Pomba Gira can help with – pretty much anything if you pick the right Pomba Gira.


Be aware that Pomba Gira can be a very blunt spirit, sometimes with the creepiest, meanest sense of humour ever, other times she is a complete doll. It depends on which Pomba Gira you are working with, and it truly pays to know, that way you can tailor your approach.

Pomba Gira Maria Padhila is very different from Pomba Gira Menina.

We have our own personal Pomba Gira and Exu – finding out who they are is vital if you wish to follow the Quimbanda path. Knowing who your personals are allows you insight into your own character and potential, as both Exu and Pomba Gira act as a mirror to your soul. Your capacity.


It also allows for you to ask the right spirit the right questions. Most would assume Pomba Gira would be with whom I would work to bring love into my life, when it is my Exu. When I have discussed this with male practitioners they tend to ‘tsk’ at me asking a powerful, strong man about love. A male spirit who can be violent, blood thirsty and capricious. However each Exu is different in the way that each Pomba Gira is different. It is about taking them on THEIR OWN merits rather than your preconceived notions.

My Exu is far better equipped than my Pomba Gira – my Pomba Gira has more important things to attend to with me than love.

My Exu thrives in it. Love allows him to be the fullest he can be.

And isn’t that true of us all.

In case anyone wondered about the dynamic between Exu and Pomba Gira on the whole, Pomba Gira is the spirit at the front, setting things alight, shouting about injustice, swaying her hips and provoking change whilst having a very good time. Exu is her rock. Her diligent watcher in the shadows who is ready to pounce when she asks.

Pomba Gira is in charge and Exu likes that, but has no problem whispering in her ear.

Without each other, they are out of balance.

After many years of searching Silver found her home in Quimbanda; an afro-brazilian cult filled with fire and darkness. She wanders around the globe bringing balance back to the Universe and aiding those with an unwanted spiritual echo. Under her Spirits sharp gaze Silver founded the Quimbanda House of the Sovereign Wolf to bring Quimbanda back to its roots and original purpose; freeing the oppressed and obliterating the oppressors.
After many years of searching Silver found her home in Quimbanda; an afro-brazilian cult filled with fire and darkness. She wanders around the globe bringing balance back to the Universe and aiding those with an unwanted spiritual echo. Under her Spirits sharp gaze Silver founded the Quimbanda House of the Sovereign Wolf to bring Quimbanda back to its roots and original purpose; freeing the oppressed and obliterating the oppressors.


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