Exu Asa Negra: My Beloved Murderous Vulture

Exu Asa Negra: My Beloved Murderous Vulture

Quimbanda Kimbanda

Within every Exu there is that potent volcanic primordial power just bubbling under the surface. No matter how aristocratic, charming or relaxed they are, it is always apparent, always teasing to be released upon the world. With a sly grin and a raised eyebrow you will often get a glimpse of just how far Exu is willing to go for you.

Exu Asa Negra is no different.

I had been seeing clusters of vultures for weeks. There had never been any around my house before and now they were everywhere. Feathers strewn around the garden, their calls littering the peaceful silence of a sunny afternoon – particularly when working Macumba.

Then, one Wednesday evening I was reading a book on the couch when I felt a warm breath snake down the right side of my neck. I froze. Again, I felt that breath – like an intimate lover’s sigh of relaxation after a long day. Someone wanted to talk.

I sat on the floor in front of my workspace and instantly felt that energy shift that comes with a two headed possession. Exu Asa Negra had arrived. 

One of the things I adore about possessions is getting a clearer sense of who a Spirit is. I could feel Exu Asa Negra’s dominant facial features strain against mine, hear his throaty chuckle and know his innermost desires right at that very moment. I find this so much more valuable that reading about a Spirit in a book, someone else’s interpretation of their own experience. 

I get to discover who he is with ME.

Exu Asa Negra was very tightly wound, giving the impression that the smallest misstep could cause him to casually bring about violence and insanity in any given situation. Although he thrives in exorcising and removing spirits that are causing harm I have no doubt this would be done with a certain violent flair. He revels in death and decay, swimming through an ocean of putrid flesh and rotting conditions with a wicked smile upon his face.

Nothing escapes his vulture-like gaze.

Exu Asa Negra

And yet, with all of these seemingly terrifying attributes that should have me running for the hills, when he ‘joined with me’ I felt a bond form. Exu Asa Negra makes me feel remarkably safe and loved. He makes my heart swell with fondness (not just to make it explode either) and I cannot help but smile every time I think of him. The wilderness he keeps tightly controlled within himself is something that deserves to be honoured, accepted and loved.

And he wants that. A level of understanding different to a few bulletpoints in a book.

Since my initial possession Exu Asa Negra has been everywhere – my dreams, healing sessions, visions whilst aiding others. He is helping my work with his intense predatory touch, helping those who need to unburden their darkness and gain the ability to see clearly once again. He is truly a marvel.

I feel extremely blessed to be surrounded by these examples of the divine masculine. To have them walk with me in this life, with their hand at the small of my back whilst whispering the love notes of guidance in my ear.

Laroye Exu!

Laroye Exu Asa Negra!

After many years of searching Silver found her home in Quimbanda; an afro-brazilian cult filled with fire and darkness. She wanders around the globe bringing balance back to the Universe and aiding those with an unwanted spiritual echo. Under her Spirits sharp gaze Silver founded the Quimbanda House of the Sovereign Wolf to bring Quimbanda back to its roots and original purpose; freeing the oppressed and obliterating the oppressors.
After many years of searching Silver found her home in Quimbanda; an afro-brazilian cult filled with fire and darkness. She wanders around the globe bringing balance back to the Universe and aiding those with an unwanted spiritual echo. Under her Spirits sharp gaze Silver founded the Quimbanda House of the Sovereign Wolf to bring Quimbanda back to its roots and original purpose; freeing the oppressed and obliterating the oppressors.


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