The beast and the gentleman. The predator with an easy smile. The suitor who will consume you.
“When you enter my vision, my gaze seeps into every corner of you; down into the visceral depths of your deceit and fragility. Trickling along your veins, initially teasing with the delicate touch of a lover, seeing what I discover there.
Seeing if you are what I want.
A dance partner.
Not a puppet. There are too many puppets. Always asking. Always wanting.
Never sharpening their own fangs.
Clinging to my teat like some pathetic runt.
Where are those with whom there are possibilities?
The possibility of the dance.
I want to show you, not save you.
I want for you to push back when I pull away, I want you to press yourself against me when I challenge you. I want to see the fierceness in your vulnerability. The electricity in your defiance.
I want your sweetness, your bitterness and your surrender.
For those of you brave enough to give it.
I will take you to the depths of your despair so you can arise with claws worthy of a beast and the perceptive prowess of an apex.
But first I want to dance.
Show me you are more than the rest.
Show me you will slaughter for your desires.
Show me you can walk silently whilst stalking your prey with a single focus. Emotionless.
Show me you have run out of excuses.
Dance with me.”