Precognition and Death, Spells to Let Go, and Soci...

Precognition and Death, Spells to Let Go, and Social Media Witch Services

precognition death social cats eye psychic witch skills media witches spell

Today In Cat’s Eye…

LC ASKS – I am having a hard time, and think I have a “gift” or “ability” that’s freaking me out. I have dreams about people before they die. Like the night before or the night of. I don’t know what to do with this or who to talk to about this in my life. I’m worried everyone around me will think I’m crazy or making it up. I could use some kind of guidance or support from someone who understands this a bit more than me. I don’t know what to do with this but it’s giving me anxiety about sleeping. Any help is welcomed!

REPLY – This is a tough skill to live with and can be very traumatizing. It is a form of precognition, clairvoyance, and empath, mixed together. I have known others that have been overwhelmed by it. I suspect the reason certain folks have this gift is to help ease and transmute the pain and energy of the dying person. Think of it as you being a filter to help process their energy. Remember this is your spiritual self, not the real everyday you, and do your best to mentally let it go each time. There are several ways to let it go but I like the following spell for this kind of work.

This spell is simple and old school. First, google the story of Cerridwyn and you will see why I use this spell, and feel free to modify it to make it your own. Take up some bird seed in a bowl. Use incense or pass it over a candle flame to purify it. Then think strongly of the person who has passed on and hold your hand over the bird seed to put the experience into the seed. This charges the seed. Then walk out in the driveway or street and cast the seed to the birds. . While casting it, say “In the name of Cerridwyn I cast this death to the earth to be transformed by Air and Wing to become rebirth, So mote it be” in the cycle of life.” Then every time you see a bird fly away from the seed you will know the person and their energy are free and becoming new life and healing you both. Also, I do not know where you live, but I recommend a magical practitioner as an advisor, someone to just listen to you now and then if nothing else. Many Blessings.

JS ASKS – Very green witch here, I was wondering what spell or ritual would help me with letting things go. Long story short I have a very toxic family member that won’t let things be and continues to run me down to other family members. I’m a very empathetic person so everything hurts my feelings, and I dwell on things until it makes me sick. I want to move on from this person and stop thinking about this person. Please help!

REPLY – I am sorry for your experience. For the toxic person, you can energetically and visually create a mirror bubble or shield and when this toxic person is spouting off, visualize it between you and take the attitude that they have no effect on you and do your best to walk away and put the energy back into the earth and detach from it. As an empath, it is important to know what emotions and feelings belong to you and which do not. If you determine they do not belong to you by asking yourself some questions about the current moment, like “do I usually respond like this?” And others keeping a focus on the facts and not emotions it will help a lot. Then take those bad feelings, write them on a piece of paper, and burn them to let them go.

CLD ASKS – I am new to all of this and it is hard to find reliable information. I am told to never accept help from someone on social media that asks for money, yet the only way to find experienced people is on social media. I am so confused, am I missing something?

REPLY – Ultimately you have to make the choice of who you trust, but I can give you some basics. If you are in a group and someone replies to your question with things like “I can help with that DM me” That is a hard no. Why? The general feeling is, that if they are legit, they will not have a problem in at least giving you a partial answer openly in the group. As for all the other ads, offers, and promotions that flood social media you have to be a bit more careful and do some research. You can check their profile and credentials and ask yourself if they are being transparent? Do they also do work in their local communities or are they just making a buck online? Also, If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If it comes across like a used car salesman ad, that’s a hard no. If anyone you seek out or responds to you says you have a curse that will take time and money to remove, that is a hard no and is a scam.

That said, there are many legit and experienced offers on social media. These folks usually have local profiles that are public. Many also own shops that offer classes, or they are authors and teachers, not just online but in their communities. The way they post and speak is more real and low-key, you can feel it in their energy and the way they present. It takes really looking and listening to spot the difference, but they are there. Also, ask others you trust who they recommend and why and never feel bad for asking for someone’s credentials or references either. If they are legit, they will not mind.

Many Blessings to All!

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Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.
Cat was raised in a magical system by her mother and grandmother and was initiated by them into the family tradition at age 13. Over the years her grandmother taught her the ways of a Hedgewitch, Wortcunning, and “The Knowing” which is a mix of clairsentience, personal gnosis, and psychic ability. From working in the garden with her grandmother Cat became passionate about herbal medicine. Her insights about this are often discussed in her Facebook group Herbal Alchemy. Cat’s mother being less traditional, was a progressive-minded Christian Mystic that gave Cat her interfaith morals and taught her to be an avid reader. Cat’s literary education in the craft began at age 10 with authors such as Edgar Cayce, Marion Zimmerman Bradley, Lobsang Rampa, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost, The Golden Bough, and many more which she continues to this day. By the age of 18, Cat was adept in clairvoyance, UPG, dream work, astral travel, mediumship, and empathic skills. She went on to use those skills in her work as a Dual Diagnosis counselor when inspired by Judith Orloff’s book Second Sight. During her 15 years of counseling, Cat worked in such places as the Salvation Army ARC, The city detox, methadone clinics, and The Native Nations in Portland Oregon. She stepped into the public arena of Paganism at age 50 through Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries, began teaching and became an Ordained Pagan Minister and High Priestess. Cat founded the initiatory coven and school, by the name The Coven of the rising Phoenix in 2016. She is a published author, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, through Llewellyn, and writes for The Green Egg Magazine.


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