On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the madness, and the beauty of the night.
On this night, the Sun will be in Aquarius and the Moon will be in Leo. Aquarius is the air to Leo’s flames meaning that there will be a lot of quick, emotional, and fiery energy during this full Moon. As such, this is not the time to be making any big decisions. Be mindful of your feelings. Is what you’re feeling true, or is it an overblown reaction compounded by the Moon? If you’re unsure, wait and watch and keep your silence, for now. The same goes for interactions with others, try not to take any outburst to heart over the period of full Moon. Issues can always be addressed after the full Moon passes.
It is true that Blood Moons are intense and swirling with unruly energy. But it is also true that you are strong and you are magick. You can command the Blood Moon energy as you see fit. If you choose, you can surrender to the night and flow wherever the energy takes you, or you can stand firm and direct your course through the dark. There is no right or wrong. Just know the choice is yours.
With so much happening energetically during this full Moon it can be difficult to know where to focus. Being a Leo myself, I am naturally going to focus on the Lion. In particular, I will be looking at the aspect of the lion that is often emphasized in the Tarot’s Strength card, and that is the lion’s heart and the transformative power of love. With the Blood Moon stirring up the dark caverns of our hearts it only makes sense that we face our feelings head on with all the glory and courage of a lion.
Regardless of your astrology chart, everyone has the heart of the lion beating in their chest. We all have the courage and majesty of a lion thundering against our ribs. How do I know this? Because the simple act of living demands the bravery of such a heart. Every breath is a noble act of defiance against the ever-present threat of existential terror. Your heart is big, it is full, it is strong, it is ready to love, you just need to teach it how. You just need to talk to your heart more.
The Strength tarot card symbolizes how our lives are a balance of the spiritual and animal. It also teaches us the extraordinary balancing and unifying power of love. This is because both the animal and the spirit need love. Love is a universal hunger. Everyone you see, everyone you know, the person you see every morning in the mirror, they’re all screaming calling out for love. You have the power to answer this call. You can love yourself and it is important that you do.
While it is not in fact a prerequisite to love yourself before loving others, it certainly helps. When you accept and love yourself you tend to be more open to receiving love and believing people when love is offered. People who report greater self-love also report greater satisfaction with their relationships and much less anxiety in general. These same people are much less likely to attribute malicious intents to their partner’s actions and thus, can offer their partners greater trust. They can also offer their partners deeper and more honest heart-to-hearts because they have nothing to hide. Their boundaries are healthier and they are less likely to end up in a narcissist’s trap or other unhealthy relationships. In short, the more you believe you deserve love, the more likely you are to receive it (within healthy limits.)
Loving and accepting yourself makes life easier. So, set some time aside on the night of this full Moon, with all of its blood-light, deep-magick, and raw open-heartedness , and look at what your heart needs from the beastly to the heavenly. Don’t shy away from the dark or the light, the heart needs both in equal measure. Take the time to explore how you can increase your self-love and self-acceptance. I know you’re worth it and so do you, even if you don’t feel it right now. You have the heart and strength of a lion, I promise. You can do this. You can love you.
Heart-to-Heart tarot spread for enhancing self-love and acceptance.
What experiences from your past are impacting on your heart now?
What is your heart-wound, where does most of your hurt and self-doubt come from?
What does your heart need to feel safe?
What does your heart need to heal?
What is your heart’s greatest pleasure?
What is your heart hungry for, above all else?
What is your heart’s most powerful magick?
What do you need to do in order to open your heart more?
What do you need to do in order to build courage?
What does your heart have to offer others?
What do others see in your heart and in your love that you are blind to?
What has been blocking or stopping you loving yourself?
What can you do in order to manifest greater self-love?
Finally, what secret does your heart want you to know?
On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the […]
On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the […]
On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the […]
On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the […]
On the 21st January there will be a stellar astrological event. The Leo full Moon (also known as the Wolf/Snow Moon in the Northern hemisphere) will be fully eclipsed thus, transforming it into a Blood Moon. The eclipse will enhance the effects of the full Moon, adding extra oomph to the emotions, the magick, the […]