In The Shadow, All Is Not Still – Tarot for ...

In The Shadow, All Is Not Still – Tarot for the New Moon

new moon leo tarot show retrograde planet astrolgy energy reading manifest
This last month has sort of rocked all the bits and bobs of my life that were quiet and hidden. Along with Cristina Farella’s New Moon in Leo post, I wanted to do a quick reading of moving through the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde and how to best set that energy, to manifest what you really want to in your life. Too often we hear people talking about setting intentions, but there really is an amazing chance here, after all of the planetary chaos, to harness all of the things that came up in the last month to be put to a better use. The question is, what do you want to do with all that?

Green Calcite – Delve deep into your Emo selves and use those strong emotions that manifested with the series of Retrograde planets that occurred in the last month. Really pull those feelings out and create an external container for them. Look at them, analyze them. Are they so intense they prevent us from stepping forward or are we focusing on them so hard we can’t see what is right in front of us? Green Calcite reminds us to listen to our hearts, despite all the feels.
Yoni – Create and manifesting with your inner fire, behind the walls of all that you discovered in those feelings. Manifest and create with the power of the Empress, the Goddess, and the symbol of the Yoni. Often this card comes with a suggestion of being female or a mother, but it is not associated with gender. I like to think of it instead how we navigate the inner world of feelings and the shadow and use the energy to propel forward. It is the fire behind us that allows us to put our feelings into actions, create art from the depths of our soul, and break through our own self depriving boundaries. Channel that into self-care, sensuality, or savoring all the little things in life.
Chariot – The energy of the Empress is even stronger when pulled near the Chariot. It is a reminder to remember which direction you are driving to. The Chariot drives fast and breaks down all in its way, but be cautious to remain balanced and know where you would like to go. It is easy to find yourself at your destination, realizing that you have manifested your worst nightmare. Being a card of duality, it reminds of us the shadow of ourselves, and that the cycle and the pull is too strong to stop. Think about being in a chariot with no breaks, but you do have the option to steer things in the direction you want.
The Four of Pentacles – This card in this placement is about how those goals (of the Chariot, intended or not) manifests into the physical world. It is staying focused on bringing things into reality, but making sure they are those that your heart really desires. Don’t let fear or guilt persuade you into the shadow side of this card. Fear can take us into greed, or being afraid to take chances. Instead, think of this as something that you can use to bring things into real life.
Karma – Some other aspects to take care of during this momentum is to look at the aspect of karma. With the cycles of our lives and choices, karma can be one of those things that we often relate to something negative. We may think we deserve negative karma from something we aren’t even aware of. Karma doesn’t really work that way. It can also be up to you how that karma manifests and how you react to the ebbs and flows of life.
Queen of Swords – Instead, take a balanced approach to the continuation of the cycle of energy that has come up this month. Take inventory of your feelings and balance both sides of your brain by including your intuition as well as your logical side.  Allow your feelings to wash over you without reacting. Instead, check in with these sides of yourself and see if it is truly you. If it is, you are ready for that next step.
Three of Wands – With the Three of Wands, next to the Queen of Swords and Karma, take a step-back. Just at the moment before acting. It is the perfect chance to make quantified decisions from all of the things that have presented themselves. Harness that energy, but only after finding that balanced approach that the Queen of Swords so artfully uses.
Pictured here are the Stone Deck, The Sigil Oracle, the Otherkin Tarot, and the Earthbound Oracle. I have been reading tarot for 25 years, offer readings, teach tarot locally at my store in Portland as well as online at The House of Twigs: School of Ritual.

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Owner, Product Fabricator, Tarot Reader , The House of Twigs, Keven Craft Rituals, Queen Meb
Head Mistress of THoT, and THoT: the School of Ritual, Owner of Keven Craft Rituals, and q. Meb ~ Queen Meb the Portland witch shop with handmade skincare products, organic goods, tarot, metaphysical items, home & hearth decor, A practicing eclectic-solitary witch, she works with energy healing / reiki master, psychopomp and psychic work, witch attunements; specializing in tarot and channeling since 1995. Erika rides the cusp of the Alpha / Omega and favors the Morrighan, Isis, Hecate, Freya, and Cernunnos.
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Owner, Product Fabricator, Tarot Reader , The House of Twigs, Keven Craft Rituals, Queen Meb
Head Mistress of THoT, and THoT: the School of Ritual, Owner of Keven Craft Rituals, and q. Meb ~ Queen Meb the Portland witch shop with handmade skincare products, organic goods, tarot, metaphysical items, home & hearth decor, A practicing eclectic-solitary witch, she works with energy healing / reiki master, psychopomp and psychic work, witch attunements; specializing in tarot and channeling since 1995. Erika rides the cusp of the Alpha / Omega and favors the Morrighan, Isis, Hecate, Freya, and Cernunnos.


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