It’s a seductive thing, the clock ticking back over to zero again with the promise of a fresh start, offering us a line in the..
On December 22nd 2018 the Moon will rise full under the sign of Cancer. Cancer is already ruled by the Moon as such, full Moons..
The web is humming with golden anticipation, ripe with magick and divine possibilities. If you are sensitive you are probably already feeling some low level..
2018 has been a brutal year. The horrors that usually lurk and whisper are rising and raging, baiting fights and all-out war over that which..
We live on as ghosts. There are parts of us and our history that have died. We no longer have use for them yet they..
Witches are excellent at re-living and re-creating the trauma cycle over and over again. We have been one of the most vilified groups throughout history...
The next eclipse season starts on the 12th of July with a partial solar eclipse and then the Blood Moon eclipse on the 27th of..
I’ve had a lot of inquiries about defensive and black magick since the Warriors Call. Any magick can be defensive if you use it right...
To be clear, I am not writing this as a professional. I have been in retirement for a while now. However, I did work as..
Everyone has the potential to be a witch. Everyone has the potential to be a warrior. For too long witches have been labelled evil if..
This work by The House of Twigs / Author of Article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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